The Grail Psalms (1966) is the translation used as Responsorial Psalms in the Mass since the changes in the liturgy following the Second Vatican Council in the 1960’s.

They are also used in the Breviary, Prayer of the Church and throughout the English speaking world.

They were translated by a group of scholars, gathered together by The Grail Community. Philippa Craig, a member of the Community, is the person responsible for the literary style. They stick to the Hebrew rhythmic structure which allows for them to be eminently singable.

There is also an Inclusive Language Version of The Grail Psalms produced as a direct result of the American Bishops’ Conference. It is not a new translation but a careful and minimum adaptation of the original translation, thus keeping the rhythm and singability of the psalms.

Both the Original Translation (1966) and the Inclusive Language Version are available from The Grail:

Grail Publications,  125 Waxwell Lane, Pinner, Middx HA5 3ER    

