Features of a Catholic Church

See if you can match up these items!

This is usually placed near the East Wall and is the primary focal point of a Catholic Church
This is used during baptism to help wash the child clean of Original Sin
This symbolizes both the resurrection and that Jesus is the light of the world
These depict the final journey of Jesus on Good Friday and are most often used during Lent
The water contained in this represents the cleansing power of the waters of salvation
This is where the bread and wine undergo transubstantiation during the Mass
This is used during baptism to light a smaller candle which encourages the child to follow the light of Christ
These are images of the “Via Dolorosa – the Way of Sorrows”
This is where the Bible is read from during the Liturgy of the Word
In some churches this is shaped like an eagle to symbolize the Word of God flying out to God’s people