Different forms of worship

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   BAPTIST      beliefs      BIBLE      EUCHARIST      fully immersed      Holy Spirit      influence      LECTERN and/or PULPIT      sacraments      SALVATION ARMY      SPIRIT LED      tongues   
All Christians share the same basic that :
1 - Jesus was the Son of God
2 - Jesus was crucified and died
3 - Jesus rose from the dead
4 - Jesus will one day come again in judgement

However, there are some differences in emphasis which cause Christians to worship differently.

CATHOLICS believe the presence of God is most powerfully experienced in the - particularly the . Catholics believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. This belief is known as TRANSUBSTANTIATION. So, the PRIMARY FOCAL POINT of a Catholic church is the ALTAR. Their worship is LITURGICAL which means it follows a set pattern.

Many PROTESTANT churches believe the presence of God is most powerfully experienced in the reading of and preaching about the . Such churches, e.g. , METHODIST and some ANGLICAN churches usually have the as the PRIMARY FOCAL POINTS of their church buildings. Their worship is usually NON-LITURGICAL which means it does not follow a set pattern.

PENTECOSTALIST churches believe the presence of God is most powerfully experienced in the gifts of the . Thus, their worship is or CHARISMATIC and focuses on the charisms (gifts) of speaking in , prophecy, healing and interpretation.

churches believe the presence of God is most powerfully experienced in BAPTISM and so their churches have a BAPTISTRY - a large pool of water in which believers are at Baptism.

Basically different beliefs both Church design and the way different groups of Christians worship.