
You can click on the "[?]" button to get a clue but you will lose points!
   a guide      always let your conscience be your guide      difficult to work out      feel guilty      God has given      good in guiding individuals      helping society      innate      inner feeling      refined      remorse      serial killers and sociopaths      the Holy Spirit   
Conscience is an of the rightness or wrongness of an action! Most people seem to have a conscience although some do not seem to have fully developed consciences which leads them to commit terrible crimes without feeling for what they have done.

Christians would say that the conscience is something to us to help us live good lives. Some Christians regard the conscience as nothing less than trying to guide people in their decision making.

Some people say that the conscience is something (i.e. something human beings are born with) and which is by the kind of upbringing and experiences you have.

For most people, the conscience is on how to behave but not something that necessarily forces you to behave in a certain way. We can all do things which go against our conscience. When that happens, we tend to afterwards!

Some people argue that you should and that you will never feel guilty if you follow what your conscience says! However, it can be exactly what your conscience is saying and this can make decision making quite hard as we wrestle to make the right decision!

Of course, not everyone has the same sense of right and wrong so while the conscience might be , it may not be so effective in decide on big moral dilemmas!