The Democratic Process!

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   a democracy      all citizens      become eligible      campaign with a pressure group      elections      everyone’s lives      influence government policy      is organised      join a political party      obey      play their part      social change      St. Paul      stand for election      stay informed   
Why it is important to take part in democratic and electoral processes

The United Kingdom is – which means basically that its citizens choose its government by voting in elections.

The democratic process is the way in can take part in government – usually through – and electoral processes are the ways in which voting !

Politics affects and all countries need leaders who will help the country cope with - that’s the way in which society has changed, is changing, and also the possibilities for future change.

People can involve themselves in the democratic process in the following ways:

Firstly, they can about politics through the media – TV and newspapers

Secondly, they can vote in elections when they – in Britain that is at 18.

Thirdly, they could join or – which is a group formed to on a particular issue. The campaigning could take the form of occasional targeted e-mails, meetings and/or demonstrations.

Fourthly, they could and become active in promoting its policies

And fifthly, they could whether it’s for their school council, local council or even for parliament.

Christians in particular have a duty to be involved because wrote in Romans 13 – "Everyone must the state authorities!" So it makes sense for Christians to make sure that they in electing those state authorities!